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Branding Strategies For Startups : Build A Brand Before It's Too Late

nj.jpg Latika Arora

Branding plays an indispensable role whether the business is already established or its a start up. With digitalization, the extent to which start -ups can market their product or services is limitless and on the other hand, they are also facing fierce competition from large corporations.
So, how will a new business stand out and convey his message to millions of people across the globe?
Branding strategies for a startup begins with choosing a name that is memorable, creating a visual identity in mind of customers, designing a website that is in alignment with your vision, building and maintaining social media presence, employing organic channels into marketing strategy and promoting your message through various platforms etc.
Well, in this blog post, Madhya Agency (Jaipur, India) will discuss the branding strategies for startups which aids them in building a strong foundation for them and if you are looking for branding services, then definitely get in touch with our Branding Agency in Jaipur, India.
Let’s Jump in!

  • What are branding strategies?


    According to CFI, a business strategy is a step by step action plan that dictates the type of image that a company wants to build in the minds of their ideal customers. So, as a startup it is mandatory to create the right perspective for your brand.
    To illustrate, think of the initial marketing campaigns of Apple - Think Different. They associated their brand to “challenge status quo” and by doing this they directly appeal to the emotions of customers. Since the product was so good and it was completely aligned with the founder's vision (Steve Jobs), it was highly appreciated by buyers.
    In a startup, there are various constraints like funds, time and manpower shortage etc. and not everyone can afford to hire a branding strategist.
    But the good news is there are some branding strategies that a startup or small business owner can start implementing today and are facilitating in building a strong brand.

  • 1. Select a Memorable Name


    The name of your venture plays a crucial role as you have only 10 seconds to create a first impression to your ideal customer. Here are the some tips from that one should keep in mind before finalizing the name -

    • Keep it short, catchy and make sure it is not too hard to spell.

    • Check the domain name as the possibility is that some of the names are already in possession and in order to buy them, the present owner can demand a huge chunk of money.

    • Take feedback from family, friends or relatives. Write down your ideas and then narrow them down.

    • Combine two words such as - hubspot, mindvalley etc.

    • Take the help of online tools such as namechk for name suggestions.

    • Make sure to check the government records so that no other business has already registered on your chosen name or has a name that resembles it.

  • 2. Bring Forth The Emotions


    Human beings are emotional creatures, we buy emotionally and justify them with logic. Triggering an emotion is directly linked to the way we remember things. This is often referred to as emotional branding.
    Various marketers achieve emotional branding by creating content that directly appeals to the emotions of their target audience by targeting their ego gratification, needs or sometimes ambitions.
    Moreover, there is data published on cleavertop which states that 90% of the buying decisions are made subconsciously and only 1% of the customer feels personal connection with the brand or product. This means that there is a huge gap that a startup can harness by working on this strategy.
    To exemplify, look at the fitness app - FindYourFit App - Find A Fitness Match!
    As the name suggests it helps you in finding a fitness buddy or workout buddy depending on your location. It directly appeals to the pain point of a user who is looking for a fitness freak.

  • 3. Create A Beautiful Website That Conveys Your Brand’s Message


    Due to digitalization, people prefer to look online for products and services. According to Statista, nearly 2 billion people purchase goods and services online.
    So, having a business website will not only help you in directly targeting your ideal customers but also assist in spreading your message to the world. This is the reason why the website should be in alignment of your brand identity.

  • 4. Improve Social Media Presence


    In this modern era, having a good presence on social media is vital. It not only helps in branding but also helps in gaining trust of your customers. The hack here is that you have to select the right kind of platform to enhance your visibility.
    For businesses like a saloon, boutique (basically B2C) the ideal customer is not Facebook or instagram in India. On the other hand if your start up is in B2B space then you can harness the power of social media platforms like twitter and LinkedIn (organic reach is good). Put your logo on the profile picture and you are ready to spread your message into the online world.
    As you are just starting out, there is no need to hire a dedicated graphic designer to design posts as tools like Canva are very helpful in providing good graphic designs for your business and if you want to take your social media presence to the next level, then you should hire a branding agency in Jaipur, India.
    At first, it is better to kickstart the promotional journey through paid ads and while using paid promotions make sure you select the channel that has your target audience and the campaigns should align with the brand purpose. Apart from that, you can use influencer marketing as well to get new customers.

  • 5. Harness Organic Reach


    How about getting traffic from search engines like Google, Bing etc? This is only possible through a powerful digital marketing strategy known as Search Engine Optimization. When your website is ranking among top search results on relevant keywords, it will automatically attract new customers. Unlike ads, you are not paying money to these platforms to present your website in front of people.

  • The Bottom Line

    The above marketing strategies will help your startup to stand out in a competitive online world if there are constraints related to money and time. However, it's better to seek out the help of a professional branding agency for enhancing brand value of your venture and maximize your impact.

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